Satellite Dishes and Antennas

Prior to installation of any antenna or satellite dish, unit owners must submit a written application to the Board of Directors. A form is available from the on-site office. The Board of Directors will review the application within 45 days and will provide a written answer to the unit owner. In most cases, the Board will provide the answer within 7 days. If the unit owner installs the dish or antenna without permission, he or she bears all risk and may be required to remove the antenna.

Antennas include satellite dishes (direct broadcast satellite dishes - DBS, or multipoint distribution service - MDS antennas) that are one meter (39 inches) or less in diameter. Regular TV antennas designed to receive broadcast stations are also allowed. Owners may not install any type of antenna which transmits a signal of any type or disrupts the reception of the radios or television sets of neighbors. Owners may install only one antenna for each type of service.

The antennas or satellite dishes must be installed in one of three locations: (1) inside a window within the unit, (2) on the patio surface, or (3) on the balcony deck surface. If the owner can receive acceptable quality signal by placing the antenna inside the unit, then the owner should install it inside the unit. Antennas or dishes may not be installed on the common elements of the Association. The Association will disapprove any installation which requires penetration through the exterior of the building or window.

Antennas must comply with all applicable building codes and industry standards, must not be placed anywhere near power lines, and shall be permanently grounded. They also must not obstruct access to or exit from any unit or walkway.

Antennas must be unobtrusive. The Association may require owners to paint any portion of the antenna so that it matches the structure to which it is attached, or to provide screening if it is visible from the street or from other units.

Owners are responsible for all costs associated with the placement, maintenance, and removal of antennas, including repair of any damage. If antennas become detached, owners must repair the detachment or remove the antenna within 72 hours. The Association may remove the antenna at the expense of the owner if it threatens safety.

Tenants wishing to install an antenna must obtain prior written permission from the owner and include a copy with the application to the Association.

Governing Documents

The Virginia Condominium Act, as amended, gives the Association its legal status and gives the Association authority to levy and collect assessments.  The Declaration and the Bylaws authorize and describe how the Association is to be governed.

The Bylaws are the legal document that governs how the TallTree South Condominium Association operates. This large document is part of the resale packet provided to purchasers. For example, it sets out the officers of the Board of Directors and their terms of office. Amending the Bylaws requires a vote of 2/3 of the unit owners.

The Board Resolutions result in the Rules and Regulations for the policies and procedures to be followed by the Board, the Association management staff, and the Talltree South owners and residents. These rules apply to both unit owners and tenants, and have been provided in on this website and in the Owners and Tenants Handbook. Landlords must make sure that tenants review and agree to abide by all these rules as part of their lease agreement. Talltree South unit owners and tenants must receive and review the governing documents when they purchase or rent at Talltree.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
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Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group