(703) 941-4547
Landlords must file a copy of their lease agreement with the Association office. The lease must include the following addendum:
"Lessee hereby acknowledges that he has read and understands the Fairfax Heritage X (TallTree South) Amended Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Board Resolutions. Lessee agrees to abide by above documents and other rules regulations, and resolutions promulgated by the TallTree South Association or Board of Directors. Failure to abide will constitute a breach of this lease and will be cause for eviction."
Landlords must register their tenants with the Association. Tenant registration forms are available from the Association office. The Association must be provided with the names and contact information for all people living in the unit.
Just think: If there were a fire, we would need to make sure that everyone got out.
If you are a landlord, you must provide your current address and daytime and evening telephone numbers and cell phone numbers to the Association to ensure that all notices from the Association reach you directly and that you can be reached in case of emergency.
Non-receipt of an invoice or payment coupon does not relieve you of the obligation to pay an assessment or charge by the due date.
Laundry facilities are provided on the terrace level as a concession by a laundry vendor. Washers and dryers are NOT ALLOWED IN INDIVIDUAL UNITS.
To report a malfunction of a washer or dryer, first call the vendor at the number listed on the machines, then notify the site office using the Action Request Form in the laundry room. It is important to leave the washers clean and to remove any lint buildup in the lint trap of the dryer each time you use it.
DO NOT OVERLOAD THE MACHINES. Trying to save $2 could end up costing $200 in repairs or cleanup. When in doubt, divide your load!