Talltree South Joined NASA Federal Credit Union - You Can, Too!

As you probably know, savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs) are paying very low rates these days. After some of Talltree South’s reserve CDs matured, the board was looking for the best rate they could find to reinvest the funds.

We found a good rate at the NASA Federal Credit Union (www.nasafcu.org). We were able to join the Credit Union as a member organization.

As members of Talltree South, you can open a share (savings), draft(checking), IRA, or other account, or apply for a mortgage, car loan, student loan, etc. Credit Unions are member-owned and typically offer better rates than commercial banks. Just go to a branch office (Falls Church is closest)or to the website and indicate Talltree South as your qualifying organization.

Or look them up on the web, at www.nasafcu.com.


Satellite Dishes and Antennas

Prior to installation of any antenna or satellite dish, unit owners must submit a written application to the Board of Directors. A form is available from the on-site office. The Board of Directors will review the application within 45 days and will provide a written answer to the unit owner. In most cases, the Board will provide the answer within 7 days. If the unit owner installs the dish or antenna without permission, he or she bears all risk and may be required to remove the antenna.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
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Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group